Loud Mouthed Pretty Face

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

As I got busy getting involved in all kinds of house activities not everybody was cheering me on. One guy who was a year ahead of me whom I will simply call loud mouthed pretty face (LMPF) got very jealous early on. There would be many incidences (which I will mention later) including a time in later years when he called me into his study to warn me to stop being so active in the house. But the first time I was rudely awakened to this jealousy was in third term of first form.

We had gone to the same primary school with this guy and so he knew I was a useful soccer player and so he suggested that I join the Middle Colts school soccer team but when I attended their first practice I quickly realized that I would be much better off at a higher level and so the next day we had to go for school team practice I went and joined the Senior Colts which was the same team LMPF was playing for that year. He was not amused and warned me to slow down because
I was being way too ambitious. He threatened to give me a severe beating if I did not change my ways.

If LMPF ever gets to read this and recognizes himself I want him to know that I have forgiven him and do not harbor any ill feelings towards him. In fact he deserves a drink from me if I ever meet him because he helped shape me. Obstacles shape you and lift you to greater heights achieving what you would never have achieved had there been no opposition. Admittedly at the time I found him a pain in that place you know.

One day LMPF found me receiving a well deserved beating from a second former called Olando (I had borrowed his soccer boots but had lost them at Nairobi School when a Changes old boy called Otolo had borrowed them and failed to return them) and loudly started cheering him on. What really enraged me was the fact that on the first day I had arrived LMPF had promised to protect me. I didn’t want his protection, I just wanted him to leave me alone. That would never happen during the 5 long years we were in Lenana together.

I was not the only person who ended up on the wrong side of LMPF. His loud sarcastic laugh and piercing voice was well known to many… let me just leave it at that.